Parsurameswar, as per Hindu Mythology, the name of the Temple is gotten from old story of Parsuram, one of the symbols of Lord Vishnu. Parsuram rebuffed self and got discharged with the beauty of Lord Shiva. Parsurameswar Temple arranged at Bhubaneswar in the capital city of Odisha. It is considered also kept up Odishan Hindu Temple in the vicinity of Seventh and Eighth hundreds of years CE to the Shailodbhava Period. It is worked around 650 CE in Nagara Style having all the principle highlight of the tenth century Temples. It is likewise one among the Parsurameswar gathering of sanctuaries. The Temple uncovers the compositional work of Vishwakara Moharana Sculptors and is the main Temple with a current Jagamohan (get together corridor for Hindu fans). One can perceive how the perplexing outline of natural products, blossoms, winged creatures and creatures are engraved on the dividers of the Temple and likewise appreciate the figures of bothers, naagins and vetalas on the dividers of Jagmohan and Vimana.
It is situated at a distance of 03 km from Bhubaneswar Railway Station & 04 km from Airport.