Ramachandi Temple is found 7kms far from Konark Sun Temple on the mouth of Kushabhadra River and it has been named after goddess Ramachandi. As indicated by legend, Ramachandi Temple was worked by a cleric who had a fantasy in which, Goddess Ramachandi requesting that her assemble this Temple on those shores. The sentimental sight has constantly entranced youthful sweethearts, understudies and picnicking troops from far wide other than a modest bunch of expert angler who abuses occupants. From the structural perspective, the Temple of Ramachandi isn’t vital however from the religious perspective, it is one of the well known Sakti essence of Puri. The Temple of Ramachandi is a little deula and it comprises of two structures, for example, vimana and jagamohana. There is an open level rooftop mandap, as of late inherent front of the jagamohana.